Caitlin Cronenberg

CAMH Foundation’s “Oxygen”

Caitlin Cronenberg

Untitled Films, Toronto

1) What was your first professionally directed work and when was it?

The first piece I directed professionally was the PSA for CAMH called “Oxygen.” It depicts a young woman having a panic attack and discussing mental health issues. It was filmed in early 2018.

2) How did you get into directing?

I come from a family of directors so it felt like a natural next step for me. I have been a photographer for the past 15 years, which shares a lot of similarities with directing. It was time to try motion.

3) What is your most recent project?

I recently directed a commercial for First Response pregnancy tests and I am in development to direct my first feature.

(5) What is the best part of being a director?

Coming from the world of photography, the best part of being a director is that I don’t have to carry heavy things to work. Also snacks.

6) What is your current career focus: commercials and branded content, TV movies? Do you plan to specialize in a particular genre–comedy, drama, visual effects, etc.?

I plan to start directing feature films and TV series in the near future. All in the drama/thriller genre.

10) Tell us about your background (i.e., where did you grow up? Past jobs?)

I grew up in Toronto and have been a photographer for 15 years.



Contact Lexy Kavluk, Partner + Executive Producer, Untitled, regarding Caitlin Cronenberg via email