StrawberryFrog, Directing Duo Los Perez Team On An Ice Capade For SunTrust


Robert Goldrich
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018


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A girl is one of several in a Winter Olympics-like ice rink picking up flowers and other plaudits thrown down by the crowd to fete a just concluded great performance by a professional figure skater in competition. One of the girls, though, is about to give her own performance on ice once she picks a teddy bear off the ice. She and the bear launch into a routine--to the beat of the Flashdance song “What A Feeling”--that has the crowd roaring, and the judges giving the proverbial thumbs-up, all the while keeping the next scheduled professional skater waiting in the wings.

This spontaneous virtuoso performance by a youngster underscores the SunTrust Bank campaign mantra encouraging parents to save for their kids’ dreams.

The Los Perez duo from production house Caviar directed this spot for agency StrawberryFrog.


Client SunTrust Agency StrawberryFrog Scott Goodson, founder/CEO; Tyler DeAngelo, executive creative director; Clair Grupp, executive producer; Marshall Peschell, sr. art director; Kendra Gelner, content producer; Elizabeth Scordato, director of project management. Production Caviar Los Perez, directors; Arnau Valls, DP; Nick Gast, content director; Billy Pena, director of photography content; Kim Dellara, Jasper Thomlinson, exec producers; John Winter, producer; Megan Porche, content producer. Editorial Spotwelders Dick Gordon, editor; Anna Rotholz, exec producer; Amanda Slamin, sr. producer; Anchor Mak, assistant editor; Vincent Taylor, colorist. Post/VFX Chimney Filip Kiisk, managing director; Cristina Matracia, head of production. Sound Design/Music Mix Junto Sounds Jared Schlemovitz, founding partner. Record & Mix Honey Mix Conrad Sanguineti, sound engineer/mixer; Mary Ruth Tomasiewicz, exec producer. Music “What a Feeling” (by Irene Cara from the film Flashdance)

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